Bukan sekadar contengan biasa..

Selalu dengar kan orang kata 'Kun Anta!' 'Be Yourself!'. Kenapa agaknya? Sebab kite akan lebih tenang.

SubhanaAllah salah satu kebaikan messy play ni anak-anak diberi ruang untuk exposed to the arts,let them to think creatively, be original, be unique, discover and create intellectual property.

When we lets them to make their own choices,which in turn helps them to become confident and happy decision makers. Seterusnya akan bina perasaan autonomy dalam jiwa mereka.

Autonomy means a lot more than simply growing up. It's also having the self-confidence  to do certain things and become independent, the ability to act and think for yourself.

Boleh lah lepas ni g register myipo artwork Mus'ab Tufayl nih. 😆 #musabtufayljournal


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