Day Dreaming. Sekian.


kawan time kecik2 main same2 rounders (ala2 baseball tu) & pukang kasut sudah berumah & bertangga.
kawan time skolah study addmath sesame pun sudah berumah & bertangga.
kawan time matrix blaja fizik sesame sudah berumah & ber-ANAK-tangga.
kawan time um pun ada yang bukan setakat satu ber-anak-tangga ,tapi dah masuk 2. ohooii!

oke2.sila ijinkan turn reen pulak.plshhh~~~~~~

dah ada plan dah? oh belum lagi. errrr... cuma dah berangan jek. wuuu~

anyway,its weekend kan. so browse sana. browse sini. mereka2 yg dah berkawen ni hupdate gmbaq kawen dan...saya sudah bosan..*istighfar2* utk tidak meneruskan kebosanang yg mungkin ade sympton2 jeles disitu,baiklah saya  zzzzZZz & seterusnya ber-day dreaming lah jawabnya. ngeh2. ;D

My goodies wishlish bila2 nak ada solemnization nanti. ehem! untuk yg rasa mcm ala2 nk muntah. sila lah maafkan empunya blog. hehe. she's in her own world now. (*.*'') peluh besar.

oh I love both ~ garden vs vintage ? sweet & lovely! ^^
juz then how I wish not over on the preparation. 
barakoh itu aim high-nya!
and wed it just a started for a new life. 
nd to be a lil bit critical for budget aite?

so lets start planning berangan peeps !

12+ Months Before

  • Should it be long and symbolic? 
  • Short and sweet? 
  • Do you want to include all the rituals or just the highlights?
  • theme?

I just love pastel colour so much because of tht i choose vintage.
lets take a look wht we can do it with pastel.

here some ideas i stole frm net.
uhuk! forgive me.

I want the chocodates put inside the cinderella box. ;p

if chocodates are enuf,I can deduct ths cookies.

and..birthday garland made of paper doilies....pleasee....I want ths too.

exchange with 'Happy Wedding!' ouhh too cute to resist kan? ;O)
Kalau xde pelamin pun xpe kan?

simple & sweet . 
MashaAllah. hopefully not over. not for showing off.
Just how we want that be. simple n meaningful for us n for those who will come.ehem2. 
WE? US? ye saya dah melebih2 dlm angan2. *astaghfirullahalazim*

but....heheheh..who knws , plan elok2,plan awal2? tanpa sure sape dia? xke sy ni sgt sweet? ahhaha. 

well,kenduri pun can be our saham for hereafter ?
We do it because of Allah and to please HIM pasti berpahala dan menjadi ibadah ;)) kerana ianya juga boleh jadi Syahadatul Haq kita? kan?
~inshaAllah~ ;)

okayhh..tamatlah sesi angan2 xbrapa nk mat jenin.

with bunch of love, Osem wannabe.


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