Tips to be a highly qualified great teacher ^^


who am I to talk about ths? ahha. no,  I'm not the one who suit to tell you ths and tht. Anggap je lah ini pendapat seorang student yg nk cikgu dia yg mcm mana.Demand sket boleyh? eheee. The tips here are wht I believe as a student for teacher as their 'checklist' to ponder and act on. InshaAllah.

  • caring,
  • supportive, 
  • concerned about the welfare of students, 
  • knowledgeable about their subject matter,
  • able to get along with parents
  • and genuinely excited about the work that they do
  • Effective teachers are able to help students learn.
Kalau ikut research yang dijalankan oleh Inchik Borich (2000) :
A teacher who is excited about the subject being taught and shows it by
  • facial xpression,
  •  voice inflection, 
  • gesture,
  •  and general movement
 is more likely to hold the attention of students than one who does not exhibit these behaviors. 
This is true whether or not teachers consciously perceived these behaviors in themselves
(p. 25).

Research on enthusiasm of the teacher is strongly connected to student success.

Dan pakcik2 (Bettencourt, Gillett, Gall, & Hull, 1983; Cabello & Terrell, 1994). Cruickshank, Jenkins
& Metcalf (2003) ni pun ada cakap dalam reseach dia pasal ke-sema-ngat-an cikgu dlm pengajaran sgt membantu dalam pembelajaran.

They report that effective teachers are 
  • enthusiastic,
  •  have warmth, and
  • possess a sense of humor.

oraiittto! MAKLUMAT akan convert menjadi ILMU bilamana kita AMALkan. untuk lebih effective, lets give a try & start with Doa & Solat hajat ^^ !
 inshaAllah ! Allah will count that as a good deeds diatas usaha anda. ;D heee . inshaAllah
Till we meet again on the next post. (^^)/

                                                                                                                with bunch of love, Osem wannabe.


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