try to get to knw him
"....Because Islam is all-encompassing...!"
-Abul Ala Maududi-
Arwah Abul Ala Maududi meninggal masa umur dia 76 thn.(September 22, 1979)
Dia sakit.
However, during his hospitalization, he remained intellectually active.
ohooi! sakit2 masih mikirin ummah?
kenapa reen rasa nak baca, nak tahu, siapa dia. Sebabnya.. lately ada baca pdf tajuk Syahadatul Haq which really gv me a new paradigm on how to see the life is. kinda huge impact I guess. I like his thought how he relate the iman matter and how to practice it. he approach the ppl.
Allah hu Allah.
mampu kah kite nak follow? ohoooi!
He wrote over 120 books and pamphlets and made over 1000 speeches and press statements.*Inchik Wiki ckp*
at the age of 17,dia dah jadi editor utk Surat Khabar Taj.
*okeh! tercabar kan?*
so, kalau umur reen 24 .
then 24-17 = 7thn.
ye! saya dah membazirkan 7 thn. peluang tuk jadi EDITOR. :((
xpelah. saya jadi editor blog sendirian berhad je. boleh jadi kenyataan ^^ inshaAllah.
LET's write!
inshaAllah,lillahi taala. ;)
Happy blogging ppl.
with bunch of love, Osem wannabe.
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