The G-day!


*oke batery dah tahap icu dah! critically nd car chargerrrr!

as mentioned previously, I've graduated ! weeheee! alhamdulillah, finally ! Alhamdulillah! Now I need to mold my career. *with that moga2 boleh jadi saham for puan mama & tuan daddy?*amin amin.
Any-ho,wearing that jubah & mortar officially mean tht, from this point on, you are no longer that little girl izreen. Now, it is time you fly out from your study zone and start facing this world from a different perspective: 
 as a working person. 
Big girl aren't you?

Might be worth giving a credit to the people who always support over the years! 
To mama ,family , friends & you knw who you are,Jazakumullah khayr! 
Love you all lots fillah.

 okay2.enuf said.

Can we just let the piccas speak ?! 

Mahasiswa Du'at teras kepimpinan

History has been MADE, folks!

line up!

Wooooo!!! And another Swifty pix with akhawat

It was really wonderful because mama,abang,ejadd,eman ,inchik  photographer  and also the whole clan was there too! ♥

This is from k..long ;D   AH-mazing! 
What's so special on the G-day? The best of the best part is, being able to spend time with our loved ones that we often take for granted.
IT's a family event. 

Ahha! can I called this as Family day instead of Graduation day? eheee ;OD

alhamdulillah for everything!
October,you're doin' great kan?

I enclosed ths post today with wht Kak M's reminder. 

Lets ponder!

Surah 94 : 7


o Allah, I really wish one day I can speak fluently in Arabic. Ustaz Salam said , if you really want to speak and understand Arabic you have to spend some time & stay with those ppl which their mother tongue is Arabic. and Jordan!!! that's wht pop up in my mind! Allah hu Allah, how I wish Jordan to be my next stay after Al-Amin. ameen.insyaAllah., pen off! :D
assalamu'alaikum people!


# When your lil brother is taller than u ;OP


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