Boyfriend dah grad ♥

Desclaimers : Almost this entire post is about personal stuff so if you are busy I suggest you don't bother reading it, bahahahaha. ;O)  

Aslmkum peeps,
ehehe. kenalkan boipren cayunk I : Wan Ahmad Izzat Wan Rahim.

okay gedix disitu ;p
sudah2 lah izreen. ahhhaha. jangan meng-gedik.
Sesungguhnya ianya hanya membazir masa dan menjatuhkan maruah agama sahaja. sekian. (*.*'')

okay2. serius2. Kenalkan adik bongsu saya. WAIWR.
Alhamdulillah he graduated! ^^ Alhamdulillah! Tahniah Wan Ahmad! 
I lap u more & more mook! 

So, on last Sunday,25th Nov.I went into the place what we called UITM Shah Alam. (T..T) I miss ths place somehow. and around 1.30pm Mama & Abg went in to the hall,and left me behind. sebab? only two persons are allowed to be in.  and me? ye adik-adik sekalian,marilah kita mengisi masa dgn shoppinggg! wah gitu! Spending my days alone at UITM Shah Alam. Browse here & there using se-mat-pon over the day and shopped a little. blalalalala..for 5 hours. errr.. a productive day I supposed. agaggaga. To celebrate him kan. layannn~xpelah,so it is Oh-Semm! hehe.  

Anyway, since it's been ages I didn't update much my personal stuff  since I uploaded recent photos, I just decided to take photos of Ejadd's graduation day and show you guys... 

Special for you jadd
 * sweet kan kakak awak ni (^^)/ *cough2*


Si tinggi amek scroll

The grad-bear is from K.long ;D

  I love you jadd.♥ Such excitement awaits in the future,In Syaa Allah; a tight, fulfilling schedule from now for your degree study,and the battle of will continuously continue right up until the end of this life. Why I say THIS life, because we have another LIFE.which is eternity life. The Akhirah! May Allah grant us Jannah Firdaus. Get prepared Jadd!  I wish you all the very berryyy best for this life and hereafter life too~amin~ ;O)

your kakak.
Wan Izreenaisya.


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