Time has surely flew ~
***warning! it sort of like a speech. please bear with me.***
My wonderful Ex-housemates when i was 3rd year. Time has surely flew but the fun and laughter is still the same.
From left : Dekni yg sentiasa mendengar curah-heart. Once pegi perlis rumah die. Mak dekni yg sgt sweet. No wonder dekni pun centu.
Hehe. Status? sudah bertunang dgn org klantan. Oke. Boleh blk kg skali.
Ana Who always there. First year ke. Dh habes blaja ke. She's always there. Always do. Ajak lah berjimba bila2. Hehhe. I lap iu. Dan.... Gadis bijak ini juga sudah menjadi tunangan orggg. untung org yg dapat ana ni. dia sgt lah tidak berkira dan cantik.hehe.
Asmaaaaaaa: ini housemate paling cool. Layan je kite. Xpenah menyakitkan hati sesape. Ade adik nama aisyah. Dua2 cantik. Asma dah bertunanggg dgn abg kpd *tut* hoho. Kena rahsia lagi. Sbb masih bertunang. Anyho. Sgt gumbiraaa utk andaaaaaaaaa dan 'adik ipar anda'.hehe. Seriussss happy sampai rase nk nanges!.
Cahaya : awakkkkk! Heehe. Bila nk bawak kite g sabah nih. Kite teringin sgt tgl rumah atas air. Hehehe. Gadis ini berjiwa besar. Dalam segala hal. Terutama skali dlm prestasi karier. She's a logic girl indeed. However she still hv the sweetness as a girl. Ini pun gadis bijak yg sgtlah low profile.dan cahaya masih single n available. tik tok tik tok. anyone? hehe.
Ain & yunk dayah : both of her. Both of them kawan kpd kawan. Hehe. Dikni, cahaya, ana, asmah, atikah( nt in the pix) semua geng dentist, Dr.Shazni , Dr.Cahaya, Dr.Atikah, Dr.Ana.Tahniah!!! dulu Hari2 bgn pagi laju je g ppum. blk petang2 Asmah siap jalan kaki dr PPUM ke Vista.exercise katanya.pastu sampai vista naik tangga plak. hoho legend2. Ain n yunk dayah also community ppl of ppum. Alhmdlh. apa yg bestnya ain n yunk dayah ni bilamana sempat kita kluar makan2,bercuti skali.kena ada dieorg sbbkena layan reen berceloteh yg len letih dah nk layan. Hehe. tq. So much wisdom I'd learned from you guys young Muslim sister. May Allah bless all of u and family!
We may nt seeing each other like forever. But , the doa' insyaAllah. Will remain last. Wish everyone all the very best in health of IMAN . Amin. Semoga kita semua bermanfaat kpd ummah.amin.
with much2 loves,
wan izreenaisya.
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