The 3 Denstis~ It was going so well...!!!

oh ni gambar 1433H.

last year punya ramadan.
time tu Dikni yang blanja kiteorg. ♥ SHAZNI SEMAN ♥

 Zaid ibn Khalid Juhni related that the Prophet said: He who provides for the breaking of the Siyam of another person earns the same merit as the one who was observing Siyam diminishing in any way the reward of the latter (Tirmidhi).

ni kawan yg paling pemurah kite penah jumpa. again, PALING.
almost everything and everytime die nk bayor. haduihh.. naik malu, sampai kena wat syarat, kalau ths time u blanja next pls treat on me plak.dekni2.!.
this year,
xsempat berbuka dgn mereka2 lagi. Semua balik ke kawasan jajahan masing2.hoho.
Dekni dah jadi Dentist kat Perlis.
Tiqah dah jadi Dentist kat Perak.
same goes to Asma'.
bubye semua.

Semoga ukhuwah kita segar dalam doa ye.


                                                                                with bunch of love, wan izreenaisya


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