Tick, tock! 13 weeks to go.

Bismillah Alhamdulillah.
The second trimester is drawing to a close~ alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah :)

from prenatal appointments and tests to ultrasound, baby names, and babymoons. oh. I dun knw where to start with. 
bersediakah? nak jadi ibu dah ni? O Allah. I need You always. always. bring me back to YOU , please...


Anddd noww, lets do some checklist first ;O) Bismillah~

Baby Checklist

Feeding :
Feeding Bottles & Teats
Teat & Bottle Brush
Pacifier & Pacifier Holder
Drying Rack / Organiser
Bottle Cleanser / Detergent
Bottle Tongs
Breast Pump
Breastmilk Storage Containers / Bags
Breastmilk Storage Organiser
Electric Bottle & Food Warmer
Nursing Tops / Covers
Nursing Bras
Breast / Nursing pads
Nursing Pillows / Supports
Nipple Cream
Cooler Bag & Cooling Aids
Formula Milk Container / Dispenser
Thermos Flask
Warmer Bag
Nursery :
Baby Cot / Cot Bed
Playpen / Playard (Optional)
Mattress - Latex / Fibre / Foam
Mattress Protector / Waterproof Pads
Mosquito Nets
Bedding Co-ordinates (Cot Bumpers, Fitted Sheets, Comforters, Pillow & Bolsters)
Chest Of Drawers
Changing Table / Changing Station
Clothings :
Tops & Pants / Rompers / Sleep Suits
Mittens & Booties
Thermal Blankets / Swaddling Blankets
Bathing & Grooming :
Bath Tub
Bath Seat / Bath Bed / Bath Net
Wash Cloths / Sponges
Toiletries (Baby Bath, Baby Oil/Lotion, Baby Powder etc)
Bath Towels
Cotton Wool Balls / Swabs
Cotton Buds
Baby Comb & Brush
Baby Nail Clipper / Scissors
Bath Thermometer (Optional)
Tummy Binders
Nasal Aspirator / Cleaner
Medicine Dropper / Dispenser
Changing & Diapering :
Changing Mat
Baby Wipes
Disposable Diapers / Nappies & Nappy Liners
Diaper Rash Cream / Barrier Cream
Safety Pins / Nappy Fasteners
Travelling Necessities :
Stroller / Pram / Buggy
Car Seat
Baby Carrier
Nursery Bag With Foldable Changing Mat
Head & Neck Supports
Sunshades (Optional)
Safety & Monitoring :
Baby Monitor
Baby Thermometer
Laundry :
Nappy / Clothes Detergent
Nappy / Clothes Softeners
Clothes Hangers
Laundry Basket (Optional)
Stimulating Toys :
Play Gym / Mat
Bouncers / Swings / Rockers
Musical Mobiles / Rattling Toys
Books :
Parenting Books
Babycare Books


lets the checklist posted first. nanti sampai kedai tgk semula ;) insyaALLAH~
May Allah ease ~ 'Born to Please HIM~ 


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