Cintakan dunia? Oh not apply to me.

hmmm...I thought that the love of dunya just did not apply to me. 
*tahniah izreen! Tahniah! *


After years of falling into the same pattern of disappointments and heartbreak, I finally began to realize something profound. I had always thought that love of dunya meant being attached to material things. And I was not attached to material things. but...

I was attached to people.
I was attached to moments. 
I was attached to emotions. 

So I thought that the love of dunya just did not apply to me. What I didn’t realize was that people, moments, emotions are all a part of dunya. What I didn’t realize is that all the pain I had experienced in life was due to one thing, and one thing only: love of dunya.

(T.T)May Allah keeps our heart on His path.

uhuk2. I really nd a 'doc' to fix my heart. So I decided to go to any 'taman2 sorga'. and...wallah! There's one that suit me I guess.
Sis Yasmin Mogahed is coming to Malaysia. hoyeahh!

on that day ;O)

Register Time

bismillah! can't wait to let the heart to be wash. T.T

Dr.Halima with her talk : You complete me

The Company : Mimi & Ana

makan Time

Photography session

and here we go, with Sis Yasmin Mogahed ;) 

 Observation of a HEART  ~  Alhamdulillah This is second time I met her, Sis YM Last time as volunteer on BEING ME. but I dun really listen to her talk at that time, since I was in duty. and alhamdulillah,this time, finally I get to listen to her attentively. MasyaAllah her talk is so inspiring and cleanse the heart. It purifies the dirts I have been keeping for all this while. T.T allahu allah.


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