Counting down for Ramadan ;D
Bismillah ;OD
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
The blessed & most beautiful month is near. This is THE MONTH to ask for EVERYTHING, both related to this life and the Next.
and adik kicik lil baby EDD is 1 ramadan too. subhanaAllah
insya Allah. ;OD
kite tgk siape sampai dulu.
Inchik Ramadan or adik kicik lil Baby.
on the other note,
diary mengandung untuk minggu keTIGApuluh6.
mlm td ummi2be. susah nk tdo. muntah sepenuh perasaan + sakit pinggang + sakit perut memulas-mulas. wuuwu. we must put our trust in Allah
O Allah, semoga menjadi kifarah dosa yg menggunung ni T.T amin.
-wan izreenaisya-
Selasa,May 27, 2014.
Rumah sewa kat Seri Kembangan
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