Week37 diary~

That is one huge belly! dah sebesar tembikai. *adeh*
Every where I go, people are asking me when I am due. InsyaAllah First of Ramadhan. I am honestly so excited. I can not believe we are so close to meeting this little guy. weeeee! Doakan plisss~
  • mengah2.
  • kaki, tangan , muka bengkak. tapi xservere , biasalah kut.
  • pedih ulu hati dah kurang sket. alhamdulillah.
overall okaylah.
errr..ke sebab cuti sekolah. xperlu pegi keje dan.....yg paling best hari2 dapat jumpa inchik zauj,  jadi sihat sket.

ye emosi mmg beri kesan kepada kesihatan.

" if the mind is unwilling, then the body will be unable"- Anonymous

Semoga Allah memberkati masa kita semua :O) 
Happy School Hols everyone!

Wan Izreenaiesya
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014,


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