To know her... (13/6/2015)

Ya Umm al-Mu’minin, how would it feel to walk in your shoes, to be special, beautiful and precious…How well do you know the Mothers of the Believers?
- Aisha ra Our mother, our teacher.
- She was a Muhadeethin and narrated more than 2000 hadeeth and was a scholar
- She’s not selfish. She gave her time, she shared her knowledge. She gave all that she had for the BENEFIT of the UMMAH.
- “A believing woman is focused upon the pleasure of Allah SWT”
- Keep telling yourself : “I’m doing this for you, Ya Allah.”
A very significant advice from our speaker Sis Zohra Sarwari. Most of us have the love for righteous people but how to become righteous like them? So here is the key, start doing what they are doing, being what they are being..start with improving our solah first inshaAllah! Saidatina Aisha r.a. She developed the nickname the Mother of Fragrance, for every time a beggar knocked on her door, she would TOUCH THE MONEY WITH PERFUME before giving it to him.
- When asked why, she explained that THE CHARITY would REACH ALLAH BEFORE it reached the beggar’s hands, and she wanted the charity to be given to Allah in a fragrant condition.
- In another report, a needy person knocked on the door. She only had one grape, and gave it to him. When asked what the value of a single grape was as a charity, she quoted the following verses from the Qur’an:
“So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” (Qur’an 99:7 – 99:8)She rationalised – how many ATOMS are there in a grape?dan apa lagi yang menarik tentang Saidatina A'isha ...I find this sooo beautiful…Aisya r.a, she was childless but awarded with the best title…Ummul mukminin…mother of the believers. She devoted her life to be one of muslim great scholar and her contributions to the Islam & muslims are enormous & endless..MasyaAllah tabarakallah! May Allah bless the same to all childless mother & muslimah wherever & whoever you are. Never give up hope & blessings from Him.In a nutshell: You have so much more potential if only you knew your worth. ‘When our women are educated, the Ummah is strong!’ INSYAALLAH!
Being surrounded by positive vibes here in Putrajaya. Simply amazing! SubhanaAllah! One of the best ways to become consistent (istiqamah) is by surrounding ourselves with good friends who can remind us to Allah. May Allah grant us sincerity and wisdom in seeking beneficial knowledge! Let’s put knowledge into action and hopefully that the knowledge we gain shall benefit us in this world and the Hereafter. Ameen.
-izreenaisya signing off~
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