L i m i t s

Limits - Poem

Committing acts of innocence, motivated by guilt
Defeating the purpose of the foundations we once built

Causing Chaos and Collisions
Allowing for very clear decisions
Deriving from improper revision
Ultimately blinding our vision,

Of thought;
Leaving us with another blind spot
due to self induced limitations, the "I cannot"'s
But have we all forgot?
All that we were once taught?
That if we seek and what we sought,
Whatever we want. Trust in God!
We must trust that we can do it too, then take a long shot

I mean what is there to lose?
If the "wants" we choose
Are something God won't refuse
And the "wants" don't confuse, you
Then how can you, accuse, you of your own subjective truths?

That is like knowing who we are but rejecting it anyway
Allowing others to sway our thoughts, leading to nothing but decay.
Metaphorically, them lying to us about how much we truly weigh
Somethings, out of good intentions, though, these people say,
"Don't do this, it will you to the path, the one that's astray"

And I'm not arguing, in fact, it may do that,
But where I'm gettin' at
Is that if we keep our minds strapped
And Understand what we're doing, so that we may easily adapt
Without the opportunity for the devil to take over, distract
or attack,
or crack...

Our foundations
Because we removed limitations
by expanding our prostrations
always looking for explanations
to problems that have lived through generations...
We must make sure first and foremost that we recognize our dedications.

Ya Allah, I do this for You, for worshiping You is my ultimate liberation


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